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Vivos O Muertos (Fake Audience - Online Album) ...[]
Standard of beauty ...[download .mp3 ]
Fake audience ...[download .mp3 ]
Int. Entertainment ...[download .mp3 ]
This is emocore! ...[download .mp3 ]
Cover und Label zum Selberbasteln: ...[download .pdf]

Vivos O Muertos (10"-Vinyl) ...[Reviews]
sweet nothings
solutions for youngsters
just kidding...[download ]
the chaos inside

Spots (CD) ...[Reviews ]
smalltalk ...[download ]
the duty to succeed
question of definition
not as small
another sort of coffee
good in losing
waiting pationtly
for promotion only (CD)
not as small
good in losing
/goodbye (2 verschied. Versionen)
Poetry, romance, love, beauty (CD)
I`m out
The injustice of crying
You know?!
create my own day
question of defintion
those are the guys
precious things
Yeah Baby, Yeah! (CD-Sampler)
Those Are The Guys
Moll M3+
Shut Up Punx (Tape-Sampler)
Solutions for youngsters
Haltbare Kost (Tape-Demo)
I'm out
Moll m3+
Private Playmate '98
Create my own day
My best friends uncle

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Du magst kein Online-Shopping? Wir auch nicht! Geh in einen Laden und kauf Dir das Zeug vor Ort! Vivos-Uniformen, Musik und Zubehör gibt es in folgenden Läden: Musicland/Bayreuth,
Rex Melodica/Bamberg,
Joe's Musicstore/Michelau,
Magic Mungo/Lichtenfels,
Toxic Toast/Coburg

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